Figgie Pruning If you had read our first post you would have thought that the beginning of our journey was with our chickens. It is true that we planned on starting with chickens and building from there. However, what set our plan in motion was figs. We purchased our property in the fall of 2018 and on our little tract of land were these huge fig trees, four to be exact. If I am going to be honest I hated the idea of having these fig trees. They were huge and took up to much space by our garage. Well in the early part of winter I cut three of them down and we left one, as it was a good source of shade and provided some landscape appeal. Spring arrived and the leaves sprouted on the lone fig tree and soon we had figs. I would pluck one two from its branches on occasion as I walked by and enjoyed the sweet juicy flavor. When I was younger we would spend time at my grandmothers house in Georgia and she had fig trees and I spent many a day hiding in those tr
First, I would like to give a big thanks to those who have visited our blog and have either subscribed and/or followed. We greatly appreciate your interest in our new adventure! For anyone new, welcome and we hope that you will enjoy the content enough to subscribe and follow yourself. Today we would like to introduce you to Henrietta. Henrietta is currently our only Olive Egger chicken, and she is such a beauty. As the title of this blog suggests, Henrietta lays olive green eggs. When selling our eggs, our customers always seem a bit more excited when they see a green egg in the carton. Memories of Dr. Seuss perhaps, or the fun of something different and new. What ever the reason, they leave with a smile every time. The trick to producing a green egg is by mating a dark brown egg layer, such as a Maran, Welsumers or Barnevelder, with a blue egg layer, like Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars or Araucanas. The fact is, Olive Eggers are not actuall